
06:40am to 09:40am
台北圓山大飯店 松鶴廳
< BNI長鵬分會 >
#BNI #長鵬 #長鵬分會 #BNI長鵬分會
#付出者收穫 #giversgain
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🔸🔶Creating a Family Investment Company: Succession and Prosperity for Future Generations🔶🔸
Have you ever thought about how to pass on your successful career to the people you care about the most? Have you heard stories about hardworking elders who have accumulated wealth over their lifetime, only to see it squandered by future generations? Why do we often hear about fortunes not lasting beyond three generations, while other countries have examples of family businesses that have been passed down and operated for hundreds of years?
This is a topic you shouldn‘t miss. On January 10th, during the special sharing session at the Changpeng Chapter, Liu Yuye, the Chief Consultant of the Yuanzhi Family Office, will be sharing with you:
🔸🔶Creating a Family Investment Company: Succession and Prosperity for Future Generations🔶🔸
Date: January 10, 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 06:40 am to 09:40 am
Venue: Songhe Hall, Taipei Grand Hotel
Fee: NT$800 including buffet
#Welcome to sign up for the lecture


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